Once there was…..The train!

I’m writing to you at a time when I’m losing the excitement to watch the sprints on TV.
I still feel the adrenaline of the sprint and the worse is when you’re sitting in your armchair. What to say… I look at, I notice… and I realize that the world is changing fast.
What do I mean?
I do not say anything about yesterday’s stage , but years ago, on the real climbs it was real fight with or without wind … with the rain and in some cases with the snow!
Today is no longer so … there is wind, so they go on all together … This Giro d’Italia is tough… let’s pass this harmless climb.

Let’s go back to today’s stage.
We are 4 km far away from the finishing line …Lotto start …after 2 curves each of them is on his personal business… I tell to myself: “Now a train will leave!”…. not at all, complete mix … there are not three runners of the same team in the last 700 meters.
Maybe this kind of sprint can be more fun, but speaking as a former sprinter I’d prefer to see two trains … maybe one that creates the row and from this action could create the room for everyone to leave … instead no!

It looks like a situation “a culo” as we say in Tuscany … it depends on what trajectory you choose and who is in front of you, if someone involuntarily pulls you or if you find who goes back …
My compliments to Gaviria … he is faster than Mareczko.

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