Gone with the Wind, on the contrary, let’s stay here!

Good evening to all.
We find ourselves here after a day off, that should be not only rest, infact those that aim to win this race yesterday worked intensively (I think).

Today il Giro d’Italia starts for the true “owners” of the race, so far for the potential winners was virtually a light walk (apart from the 5 km of Poetto in Cagliari).

Today instead you climb up the Vulcan, real climb… but unfortunately the stage is not interpreted as such.
Speaking as a rider I say “rightly”, as a spectator I expected something more… but frankly I understand, the way to arrive in Milan is still long (It could be that the riders are frightened by the sparrow of Mortirolo and Stelvio, then they try to manage the energies).

The breakaway comes … with the tenacity and legs Polanc succeeds to arrive (good) behind the control is done at the right regimes … (for the best riders the engagement is minimal)
Surely the opposite wind during the climbing reduces the ability to make selection and attack.

Vincenzo gives us an acute … but right so … and maybe even the tangent that follows is risky not to say wrong, but it would not change anything, it looks like a tribute to his Sicily and his fans.
Times are a changing, in the past when you faced the first great climb of a lap, something important happened, maybe you didn’t discover the winner, but some of the illustrious favorites could lose precious seconds.

Watching from a side shot, I recognize a position that in my eyes seems different from the past (maybe I’m wrong) who knows…
Good shot Polanc.

Real bad grades for the responsible persons of road traffic signs… fortunately nothing serious happened, but that curve was to be reported MUCH BETTER !!!!

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